There are several ways to prevent getting blisters from friction, sunburn or chemicals.
Blisters caused by a medical condition often can't be prevented and need to be treated by a GP.
Wearing comfortable, well-fitting shoes and clean socks helps prevent blisters.
Blisters are more likely to develop on moist skin. If you have sweaty feet, wearing moisture-absorbing socks or changing your socks twice a day can help prevent them.
If you play sportorexercise regularly, wearing sports socks or thicker wool socks can help keep your feet dry and reduce your risk of getting a blister. Dusting the inside of your socks with talcum powder may also help.
If you'regoing for a long walk, wear comfortable shoes that fit properly. Brand new shoes that aren't broken in may not be comfortableand mayrub.
Stop immediately if you feel a hot area on your foot while walking, exercising or playing sport. If possible, tape some padding over the area.
Wear protective gloves when using tools such asshovels or pickaxes, and when doing manual work such as gardening. Thiswill help prevent blisters developing on your hands.
Be careful when dealing with heat such as steam, flames or boiling water. Make sure you use the right safety equipment in working environments involving heat or chemicals.
Use sunscreen when in the sun. Keep your skin covered with clothing to avoid getting blisters from Sunburn . You should also wear a sun hat.
Moisturiser, aftersun or calamine lotion can help ease discomfort if you do get sunburnt.
Always wear protective gloves when handling detergents, cleaning products, solvents and other chemicals.
A blister is a small pocket of fluid that forms in the upper layers of the skin.
Blisters are most often caused by skin being damaged by friction or heat. Certain medical conditions also cause blisters to appear.
Most blisters heal naturally and don't require medical attention.See your GP if you have a blister that becomes infected.
There are several ways to prevent getting blisters from friction, sunburn or chemicals.