Tietze's syndrome
Costochondritis is the medical term for inflammation of the cartilage that joins your ribs to your breastbone (sternum). This area is known as the costochondral joint.
Cartilage is tough but flexible connective tissue found throughout the body, including in the joints between bones. It acts as a shock absorber, cushioning the joints.
Costochondritismay improve on its own after a few weeks, althoughit canlast for several months or more. The condition doesn't lead to any permanent problems, but may sometimes relapse.
Costochondritis is the medical term for inflammation of the cartilage that joins your ribs to your breastbone (sternum).
Costochondritismay be confused with a separate condition called Tietze's syndrome. Both conditionsinvolveinflammation of the costochondral joint and can cause very similar symptoms. However, Tietze's
When the costochondral joint becomes inflamed it can result in sharp Chest pain and tenderness, which may develop gradually or start suddenly. The pain may be made worse by: a particular posturesu
It can be difficult to tell the difference between thechest pain associated with costochondritis and pain caused by more serious conditions, such asa heart attack . However, a heart attack usually ca
Inflammation is the body's natural response to infection, irritation or injury. It's not known exactlywhy the costochondral joint becomes inflamed, but in some cases it's been linked to: severe cou
If you have symptoms ofcostochondritis, your GP will examine and touch the upper chest area around your costochondral joint. They'll ask you when and where your pain occurs and look at your recent med
Costochondritisoften gets better after a few weeks, but self-help measures and medication can manage the symptoms. Self-help Costochondritis can be aggravated by any activity that places stress on y