Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC or transferrin) test


Atotal iron-binding capacity (TIBC or transferrin) test is used to measure the amount of iron in the body.

Transferrin is a glyco-protein that's found in blood plasma (the liquid part of blood). It's capable of binding iron andacts as a carrier for iron in the bloodstream.

If you have aniron deficiency (a lack of iron in your blood), your iron level will be low but your TIBC will be high.

If you have too much ironfor example, if you have a condition such as haemochromatosis, your iron level will behigh but your TIBC will be low or normal.

As transferrin is produced by the liver,your TIBClevel will also be low if you have liver disease.

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Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 29 Nov 2016