Brugada syndrome
Ifyour GPthinks you have Brugada syndrome after assessing your symptoms, they may ask you to have an electrocardiogram (ECG) and refer you to a heart specialist (cardiologist). This should usually be a cardiologist who specialises in heart rhythm and genetic heart problems.
AnECGis a test that records the rhythm and electrical activity of your heart. Every time your heart beats, it produces tiny electrical signals, which an ECG machine traces on to paper.
Small stickerscalled electrodes are stuck on to your arms, legs and chest and connected by wires to the ECG machine.
If Brugada syndrome is suspected, you'll probably have a simple and safe test known as an ajmaline or flecainide challenge to confirm your diagnosis.
Ajmaline and flecainide are antiarrhythmic medicines that correct abnormal heart rhythms, which block sodium channels.
The medicine isgiven through a vein in your arm, and an ECG records how your heart responds to it.
If given to someone with Brugada syndrome, it can reveal the abnormal ECG pattern characteristic of the syndrome.
Other antiarrhythmic medicines,such as propafenone or procainamide, can also reveal an irregular ECG result and lead toa diagnosis of Brugada syndrome.
If the test is negative, your doctor will consider your individual risk of having the syndrome and advise if further tests are needed, but you'll probably be able to go home the same day.
You may need to have an echocardiography or MRI scan to rule out other heart problems and causes of arrhythmia, and blood tests to measure blood potassium and calcium levels.
Genetic testing may also be carried out to identify the defective SCN5A gene that may be causing Brugada syndrome.
You and your family may be offered genetic testing if Brugada syndrome is diagnosed in a relative.
Learn more about genetic testing .
Brugada syndrome is an uncommon, but serious, heart condition. It can result in abnormally rapid heart rhythms, which can cause palpitations or fainting and can be fatal.
Often, there are no warning signs of Brugada syndrome until an abnormal heart rhythm causes the heartto stop beating(cardiac arrest). Some people may experience symptoms such as: blackouts seizure
Sometimes the abnormal heart rhythm persists, leading to ventricular fibrillation, a rapid, uncoordinated series of heart contractions. Most of the time, this doesn't revert to normal heart rhythm wi
Brugada syndrome typically affects young and middle-aged males who are otherwise healthy, although women can also be affected. It's also more common in young men of Japanese and south east Asian desc
Ifyour GPthinks you have Brugada syndrome after assessing your symptoms, they may ask you to have an electrocardiogram (ECG) and refer you to a heart specialist (cardiologist). This should usually be
The only proven effective treatment for Brugada syndrome is having an implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) fitted. An ICD is similar to a pacemaker. If the ICD senses your heart is beating at a po
If you haveBrugada syndrome, your clinical team will pass information about you on to the National Congenital Anomaly and Rare Diseases Registration Service (NCARDRS). This helps scientists look for