Patient story: "I hope she'll grow out of the eczema."

Ruby was diagnosed with eczema at six weeks old. Her mum, Daniella, explains how they've learned to cope with Ruby's condition.

"At only 10 days old, Ruby developed a rash all over her, a bit like teenage spots with white pimples. Doctors thought it was her sebaceous glands not working properly and said it would go away. It did.

"However, as there's a history of eczema in my husband's family and mine, and it's a hereditary condition, I always thought she would develop it.

"Doctors tell me not to use any of the commonly marketed baby products, perfumed products, or soap. Now, her treatment involves two baths daily using oil. Before the bath, I also cover her body in aqueous cream. I wash her body with a flannel rather than a sponge because flannels can be washed daily.

"She doesn't sleep with many cuddly toys in her cot as they can carry dust, and I don't let her near animals as they can irritate and aggravate her skin.

"Some foods have had an effect on her skin, too, so I have to make sure she doesn't eat them and other people don't give them to her. I also have to be careful with sun lotions and not to let her go in the sun too often.

"At its worst, the eczema on her right arm became infected, and her skin went yellow and filled with pus. We quickly took her to theGP and she was put on antibiotics.

"I spoke to the nurses at the hospital, who suggested trying a wet wrapping with some support, which is like a sports bandage, but I decided tocoverthe armin moisturiser with a dry bandage over the top to try to stop her scratching in the night.

"You can't really stop a baby from scratching. You can distract them where possible and keep them occupied, keep their nails short by trimming them morning and night, and, as a last resort, I keep Ruby in long sleeves and cover her arms in a wet wrap.

"Once I was driving home in the evening after Ruby's normal bath time and she was tired and irritable. I noticed in my rear mirror that she was scratching and scratching, and her arm was bleeding. I was stuck in traffic and still far from home, so the best I could do was to sing songs to try to distract her. That was the hardest incident.

"I hope she will grow out of the eczema. I grew out of it and so did other members of my family. However, some of the people on my husband's side of the family still have it in their old age."

Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 15 Dez 2016