Grooves across the fingernails (Beau's lines)

Deep lines or grooves that go from left to right across the nail are known as Beau's lines .They may occur as a result of:
  • a previous illness the line forms at the time of the illness
  • having chemotherapy
  • a previous injury
  • previous exposure to very cold temperatures, if you have raynaud's phenomenon

Illness, injury or cold temperatures can interrupt nail growth and cause nail grooves to form at the base of the nails.

The grooves tend to only be noticed a few months later, when the nails have grown and the grooves have moved up the nails to become visible. It takes about four to six months for a fingernail to fully grow out, and six to 12months for a toenail.

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Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 21 Dez 2018