Loose nails

It's normal for a toenail to come loose and fall off after an injury to the toe. Another common cause of a loose nail is over-manicuring the nails and cleaning underneath them with a sharp object.

Less commonly, a loose nail may be a sign of one of the following health conditions:

  • a fungal nailinfection
  • psoriasis of the nail
  • warts that cluster around the fingernail
  • an overactive thyroid
  • sarcoidosis a condition where small clumps of cells form in the organs and tissues of the body
  • amyloidosis where protein builds upin the organs
  • aproblem with the connective tissue fibres in the body that support the organs and body tissues
  • poor circulation for example, caused by smoking or Raynaud's phenomenon (a condition where the blood supply to the fingers and toes is affected, causing them to turn white)
  • an allergic reaction to medicine (usually to a type of antibiotic) or nail cosmetics

A loose nail shouldbe cut back to where it's detached to allow the nail to become reattached as it grows. You shouldn't clean your nails with anything other than a soft nailbrush.

Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 21 Dez 2018