“Patients who feel scared of dying during heart attack symptoms may be more likely to suffer another,” the Daily Mirror has reported. The news is based on a small study in 208 people who...
“Brushing your teeth twice a day could save you from a heart attack”, the Daily Mail has reported. Its story is based on a study from Scotland, which looked at the potential association between...
"Universal flu vaccine comes closer, scientists says," BBC News reports after two independent teams of researchers each found ways to target multiple strains of the influenza virus – but, as yet, the research has only involved animals...
Article on media coverage of a study on a polypill and risk of heart attack and stroke.
“Children at nursery less likely to get asthma”, reports The Daily Telegraph. Spending time with other youngsters from the age of six to 12 months “can cut the chance
Stem cells could be used to repair heart attack damage, according to reports in The Guardian, Financial Times and Daily Mail. Stem cells from human embryos had developed
Statins, which are used for lowering cholesterol, could help restore a regular heartbeat, reports The Times. Not only do these drugs reduce the risk of heart attacks
News article about children with familial hypercholesterolaemia being prescribed statins to lower their low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
“Heart attack victims ‘should not give up taking statins’” reported The Times saying that people who have a heart attack and who give up taking statins afterwards