“Blood pressure control is key to a healthy heart,” the Daily Express has reported. The newspaper said that keeping your blood pressure levels low before you turn 55 dramatically...
Behind the headlines article on newsreports describing a study showing that damaged mouse hearts cope better with further damage.
Babies born a week early have a “greater risk of autism,” The Daily Telegraph has claimed. The news is based on research that found that babies delivered...
"Taking painkillers for just one week 'raises the risk of a heart attack'," the Daily Mail reports. The report is based on a new analysis that found a link between anti-inflammatory painkillers like ibuprofen and heart attack risk…
"Children who suck their thumbs and bite their nails suffer fewer allergies, study finds," The Daily Telegraph reports. Researchers have reported a link between these common childhood habits and a lower rate of positive allergy tests…
Most of the UK media has reported on the Francis inquiry into significant failures in care at the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust. The report suggests a raft of radical changes...
Giving birth is as safe for mother and baby as a hopsital delivery, according to new research. We explain the facts behind the headlines...
Women who “pile on the pounds” during pregnancy could be putting their child at risk of heart disease in later life, reported the Daily Mail.
Babies given paracetamol are twice as likely to develop asthma by the age of six, the Daily Express has reported. The Daily Mirror also reported on the study, suggesting the brand Calpol, which...