"Binge drinking peaks at 25 … but by middle age he's drinking daily," the Mail Online reports. In what has been described as the first of its kind, a new study has tried to track the average adult drinking pattern over the course of a lifespan…
"Older people could reduce risk of osteoporosis by hopping for two minutes a day," the Daily Mirror reports. A UK study found regular hopping increased bone density in older men…
"A chemical found in lunchboxes and food cans has been linked to heart disease and diabetes”, The Sun reported. Widespread media interest was given to a study
“Sweaty people 'less asthma prone'”, is the headline on the BBC News website. Researchers suggest that the ability to sweat may do more than keep the body cool,
"Happiness doesn't make you live longer, survey finds," reports The Guardian after a survey of more than 700,000 women found no evidence of a direct cause and effect link between happiness and life expectancy...
“Having a big bottom is good for you,” according to The Sun. Several newspapers have reported similar stories based on a research article suggesting that it is better for body fat to be stored...
"Unbranded cigarettes could mean people smoke more, experts warn," The Daily Telegraph reports. However, the evidence provided by the “experts” has not been peer reviewed and their work has been funded by cigarette manufacturer Philip Morris…
“Playing active video games won’t help you stay fit,” the Daily Mail has today reported. In what will surely come as a blow to people who think tennis can be played from the sofa...
Every hour per day watching television "increases risk of heart disease death by a fifth” according to a report in The Daily Telegraph. This news story is based on an Australian study that looked at an association between sedentary...