"Hormone 'can reduce chances of miscarriage'," reports BBC News. The rather misleading headline follows a ...
"Young Brits are having less sex than a decade ago because they're too busy watching Netflix," reports the Sun. Researchers used survey data from ...
"Time spent on social media has only a 'trivial' impact on life satisfaction among adolescents," reports The Guardian
"Viagra-like erectile dysfunction drug Cialis may tackle heart disease too," reports the Sun. Researchers investigated the effect ...
"Form of dementia that 'mimics' Alzheimer's symptoms discovered," reports The Guardian. An international team of researchers has proposed a name for a type of brain disease that ...
'Routine sense of smell tests could be used to spot signs of dementia' The Guardian reports
"Kids under two should never be allowed to watch any screens – or they'll get fat," warns the Sun. The alarming headline gives the flavour of reports in much of ...
'Diabetes drug metformin could help you lose weight, say scientists who found it works better than diet and exercise at keeping the bulge off' the Mail Online reports
'Skipping breakfast may raise risk of heart disease by up to 87 per cent, study finds' The Sun reports