Blood pressure test
Blood pressure tests can also be carried out at home using your own digital blood pressure monitor.
This can give a better reflection of your blood pressure, as being tested in somewhere like a GP surgery can make you feel anxious and can affect the result. It can also allow you to monitor your condition more easily in the long term.
You can buy a variety of low-cost monitors so you can test your blood pressure at home or while you're out and about.
It's important to make sure you use equipment that has been properly tested. The British Hypertension Society (BHS) has information about validated blood pressure monitors that are available to buy.
Find out when to get your blood pressure tested, how the test is done, and what your result means.
You can ask for a blood pressure test if you're worried about your blood pressure at any point. You can get your blood pressure tested at a number of places, including: at your local GP surgery at
Adevice called a sphygmomanometer will be used to measure your blood pressure. This usually consists of a stethoscope, arm cuff, pump and dial, although automatic devices thatuse sensors and have a d
Blood pressure tests can also be carried out at home using your own digital blood pressure monitor. This can give a better reflection of your blood pressure, as being tested in somewhere like a GP su
In some cases, your doctor may recommend 24-hour or ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). This is where your blood pressure is tested automatically around every 30 minutes over a 24-hour perio
Blood pressure is measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg) and isgiven as two figures: systolic pressure the pressurewhen your heart pushes blood out diastolic pressure the pressure when your
If your blood pressure is found to be too high or too low,yourGP or the healthcare professional performing the test can advise you about ways to control it. This may involve: adoptinga healthy, bal