Recovering from a broken arm or wrist

The plaster cast will need to stay on until the bone has healed. The length of timeit will take to heal will depend on the type of fracture, whether it's damaged the surrounding tissues, and the person's age.

For example,a young child who'scracked their wrist will need to wear a cast or removable splint for just two to three weeks. However,in older people, a wrist injury can take much longer to heal and stiffness is very common.

A useful rule of thumb is that the time taken for the bone to regain full strength is usually the same as the time it takes for the fracture to heal. That is, if youve been in plaster for six weeks, it will take six weeks to regain full strength.

It's importantnot to get a plaster cast wet.

Your arm may be stiff and weak after being in a cast. Physiotherapy can help build strength in the arm muscles and restore full movement. However, it's rarely needed for children.

The risk ofre-breaking or cracking the bone after the plaster castis removed is increased, particularly in children. Children should avoid using trampolines, bouncy castles, soft play areas and playing contact sports for a further two to three weeks to minimise this risk.

Adults shouldn't drive while their arm isin a cast. Ask your doctor for advice about when youcan drive again.

Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 21 Dec 2018