Fractured nose
If your nose is crooked or the skin is broken, you'll probably need to be assessed and treated in hospital.
A doctor may be able to realign your nose using special instruments under general anaesthetic (where youre asleep) or sometimes a local anaesthetic (where the nose is numbed). You may need to return after a few days when the swelling has gone down before this can be carried out, but it should ideally be done within 14 days of the injury.
If necessary, it may be possible to have a procedure to improve the appearance of your nose at a later stage, but this is generally more difficult and less successful than early treatment.
Any broken skin will need to be closed with stitches or adhesive strips. If your nose is bleeding continuously, a doctor may pack your nose with a soft gauze pad to stop it. This will be removed by your doctor in a few days.
Your doctor will let you know about any activities you need to avoid while you recover and whether you need to see a specialist for a follow-up appointment to check that the bones are healing in the correct position.
Read about the signs of a broken nose, and find out how to look after your nose at home and when you should seek medical advice.
A broken nose will be painful, swollen and red. Other typical symptoms include: bruising around the eyes ( Eye, black ) a nosebleed tenderness when you touch the nose a crunching or crackling so
You can often manage your broken nose at home by following the advice below: Hold an ice pack (frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel will also work) to the nose for 10-15 minutes every few hours for th
Contact your GP if: the pain gets worse or is not relieved by ordinary painkillers (your GP may be able to prescribe a stronger painkiller) the swelling doesn't go down after a few days the swelli
Go to your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department if: you have a nosebleedthat won't stop you have an open wound over your nose clear fluid is trickling from your nose (this could ind
If your nose is crooked or the skin is broken, you'll probably need to be assessed and treated in hospital. A doctor may be able to realign your nose using special instruments under general anaesthet