If there's no pregnancy tissue left in your womb, no treatment is required.
However, if there's still some pregnancy tissue in your womb, your options are:
The risk of complications is very small for all these options.It's important todiscuss these optionswith the doctor in charge of your care.
It's usually recommended you wait 7 to 14 days after a miscarriage for the tissue to pass outnaturally. This is called expectantmanagement.
If the pain and bleeding have lessened or stopped completely during this time, this usually means the miscarriage has finished. You should be advised to take a home pregnancy test after three weeks.
If the test shows you're still pregnant, you may need to have further tests to make sure you don't have a Trophoblastic disease or an ectopic pregnancy .
If the pain and bleeding haven't started within 7 to 14 days or are continuing or getting worse, this could meanthe miscarriage hasn't begun orhasn't finished. In this case, you should be offered another scan.
Contact your hospital immediately if the bleeding becomes particularly heavy, you develop a high temperature (fever),or you experience severe pain.
After this scan, you may decidetoeithercontinue waiting for the miscarriage to occur naturally, or have drug treatment or surgery. If you choose to continue to wait, your healthcare professional should check your condition againup to14 days later.
Youmay choose to have medication to remove the tissue if you don't want to wait. Thisinvolves taking tablets that cause the cervix to open, allowing the tissue to pass out.
In most cases, you'll be offeredtablets called pessaries that are inserted directly into your vagina, where they dissolve. However, tabletsthat you swallow may be available if you prefer.A medication called mifepristone issometimes used first, followed 48 hours later by a medication called misoprostol.
The effects ofmisoprostol tablets usually begin within a few hours. You'll experience symptoms similar to a heavy period, such as cramping and heavy vaginal bleeding. You may also experience vaginal bleeding for up to three weeks.
In most units, you'll be sent home for the miscarriage to complete. This is safe, but ring your hospital if the bleeding becomes very heavy.
You should be advised to take a home pregnancy testthree weeks after takingthismedication.If the pregnancy test shows you're still pregnant, you may need to have further tests to make sureyou don't have a molar pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy.
You may be advised to contact your healthcare professional to discuss your options if bleeding hasn't started within 24 hours of taking the medication.
In some cases, surgery is used to remove anyremaining pregnancy tissue. You may be advised to have immediate surgery if:
Surgery involves opening your cervixwith a small tube known as a dilator and removing any remaining tissue with a suction device. You should be offered a choiceof general anaesthetic or local anaesthetic if both are suitable.
If your blood group is RhD negative, you should be offered injections of a medication calledanti-Dimmunoglobin afterwards. This is necessary to prevent rhesus disease .
You may also have questions about trying for another baby and what happens to the miscarried foetus.
For more information, read what happens after a miscarriage .
A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy during the first 23 weeks. The main signs of a miscarriage include vaginal bleeding, followed by cramping and pain.
The most common sign of miscarriage is vaginal bleeding.
There are many reasons why a miscarriage may occur, although the causes of particular miscarriages are often not identified.
If you see your GP or midwife because of vaginal bleeding or other symptoms of miscarriage, you may be referred to an early pregnancy unit for tests.
If you have a miscarriage, you may need to have any remaining pregnancy tissue removed from your womb.
A miscarriage can have a profound emotional impact, not only on a woman, but also on her partner, friends and family.
As the cause of a miscarriage is often not identified, they cannot always be prevented.