
Perforation of the stomach usually occurs in patients who have previously suffered from stomach conditions, such as stomach ulcers or silent ulcers (patients who were not aware of having an ulcer).


Symptoms may include:

  • Severe sudden stomach pain
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Description of Pain

Pain is immediate and very strong, and usually begins while the patient is completely at rest. The patient perspires heavily and feels as though they are being stabbed (this is the moment in which the perforation itself occurs).

Cold sweats, pallor, anxiety, potentially vomiting and a hunched over posture to ‘protect’ the stomach could also accompany the pain. The pain subsides after a few minutes (this is a misleading development), and later on spreads to the entire abdomen (belly) and intensifies while doing so. The abdomen (belly) hardens, and after a few hours a fever develops.

This diagnosis requires surgery within the first 6-8 hours, in order to prevent loss of life. Following the spillage of the stomach contents into the abdomen, peritonitis (inflammation of the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity) develops.

This phenomenon renders the patient’s condition more severe. This is why the patient is recommended to immediately see a medical professional. Upon feeling pain, the patient must seek immediate medical help within the first few hours, otherwise, the patient faces higher risks.

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 23 Jan 2018
Medical Author: Dr. med. Diana Hysi