How can I treat period pain?

In most cases period pain is mild enough to treat at home.


You cantake ibuprofen and aspirin to help manage your pain.

However, don't take ibuprofen or aspirinif you have asthma or stomach, kidney or liver problems. Aspirin shouldn't be given to anyone under 16 years of age.

You could also try paracetamol ,but studies have shown that it doesn't reduce pain as effectively asibuprofen or aspirin.

If ordinary painkillers are ineffective, your GP may prescribe a stronger painkiller, such as naproxen or codeine.

Other things to try

Youcould also try:

  • stopping smoking smoking is thought to increase the risk of period pain
  • exercise you may not feel like exercising during a painful period, butkeeping active can reduce pain; try some gentle swimming , walking or cycling
  • heat putting a heat pad or hot water bottle (wrapped in a tea towel) on your tummy may help reduce pain
  • warm bath or shower taking a warm bath or shower can relieve pain and help you relax
  • massage light, circular massage around your lower abdomen may also help reduce pain
  • relaxation techniques relaxing activities, such as yoga or pilates , may help distract you from feelings of pain and discomfort
  • transcutaneous electronic nerve stimulation (TENS) a small battery-operated device that delivers a mild electrical current to your tummy, which can help reduce pain
Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 21 Dec 2018