If your waters haven't broken

Your midwife or doctor should discuss with you the symptoms of pre-term labour, and offer checks to see if you're in labour.

These checks can include asking you about your medical and pregnancy history, and about possible labour signs, such as:

  • contractions – how long, how strong and how far apart they are
  • any pain
  • vaginal loss, such as waters or a show

You may be offered a vaginal examination, and your pulse, blood pressure and temperature may also be checked.

Your midwife or doctor will also check your baby. They'll probably feel your bump to find out the baby's position and how far into your pelvis the baby's head is.

They should also ask about your baby's movements in the last 24 hours. If they don't ask, tell them about the baby's movements.

Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 26 Feb 2018