Rib injuries
In most cases, you can take care of broken or bruised ribs at home. While your injury heals, pain relief is very important, as it will hurt every time you breathe in or cough . Taking shallow breathsand not coughing to avoidpain will only put you at risk of a chest infection.
You can look after yourself by:
Don't wrap a bandage tightly around your chest, as this will stop your lungs expanding properly. Try to avoid lying down or staying still for long periods. It may help to sleep more upright for the first few nights.
Avoid straining and lifting heavy objects until you're feeling better, as you may injure yourself further and take longer to recover. If you smoke, stopping may also help your recovery. Gethelp to stop smoking .
Read more about how long it takes injured ribs to heal, how to look after yourself until you're feeling better, and when you should seek medical advice.
A broken or bruised rib will feel very painful, particularly when you breathe in. You may feel you can only takeshallow breaths, but it's important youtry to breathe normally to help clear mucus fr
In most cases, you can take care of broken or bruised ribs at home. While your injury heals, pain relief is very important, as it will hurt every time you breathe in or cough . Taking shallow breathsa
See your GP if your pain hasn't started to improve within a few weeks. They can prescribe stronger painkillers if necessary and refer you to hospital if they feel you need further treatment. Seek med