As well as treating roundworm infections with medication, the infection can be controlled by improving sanitation and health education.
Although treatments are usually effective, preventing roundworm infections that affect tropical countries is very challenging.
Good hand hygiene can help prevent the spread of roundworm. Always wash your hands thoroughly:
You'll need to take extra precautions when travelling to parts of the world where roundworm is widespread, sanitation is poor and the climate is hot.
Places where roundworm is particularly widespread include:
If you're travelling to these parts of the world, you should:
and food and water abroad.
Roundworms can infest the human digestive tract, specifically the small intestine. A roundworm infection is also sometimes known as ascariasis or acaris.
In most cases, a roundworm infection doesn't cause any noticeable symptoms. Some people have a high temperature, dry cough and shortness of breath.
A roundworm infection begins when you swallow roundworm eggs. Eggs can be present in food or drink, or in the soil in which food has grown.
Roundworm infections can be successfully treated using one of a number of medicines.
As well as treating roundworm infections with medication, the infection can be controlled by improving sanitation and health education.