When to get medical advice

Seeyour GP orcall NHS 111 if you're worried or need advice aboutyour symptoms.

For example, if:

  • the pain gets much worse in a short space of time
  • the pain won't go away or keeps returning
  • you have unexpected weight loss
  • you have unusual vaginal discharge
  • youbleed fromyour bottom
  • you have a persistentchange in toilet habits

Call 999 for an ambulance or go to your nearest hospital accident and emergency (A&E)if you:

  • have sudden, severe stomach pain
  • feel pain when you touch your stomach
  • are vomiting blood
  • have bloody or black, sticky stools
  • aren't able to urinate
  • have collapsed orcan't breathe
  • you'rediabetic and vomiting

If you feel pain in the areaaround your ribs, read about chest pain for information and advice.

Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 21 Dec 2018