Treating vestibular neuronitis

The symptoms of vestibular neuronitis usually settle over a few weeks, even without treatment. However, there are some self-help measures you can take to reduce the severity of your symptoms and help your recovery.

Medication doesn't speed up your recovery, but may beprescribed to help reduce the severity of your symptoms.

Self-help for vestibular neuronitis

If you're feeling nauseous, drink plenty ofwater to avoid becoming dehydrated . It's best to drinklittle and often.

If you have quite severe vertigo and dizziness, you should rest in bed to avoid falling and injuring yourself. After a few days, the worst of these symptoms should have passed and you should no longer feel dizzy all the time.

You can do several things to minimise any remaining feelings of dizziness and vertigo. For example:

  • avoid alcohol
  • avoid bright lights
  • try to cut out noise and anything that causes stress from your surroundings

You should also avoid driving, using tools and machinery, or working at heights if you're feeling dizzy and unbalanced.

Once the dizziness is starting to settle, you should gradually increase your activities around your home. You shouldstart to have walks outside as soon as possible.It may helpto be accompanied by someone, who may even hold your arm until you become confident.

You won't make your condition worse by trying to be active, although it may make you feel dizzy. While you're recovering, it may help to avoid visually distracting environments such as:

  • supermarkets
  • shopping centres
  • busy roads

Thesecan cause feelings of dizziness, because you're moving your eyes around a lot. It can help to keep your eyes fixed on objects, rather than looking around all the time.

Once you're over the worst phase of the illness, physical activity helps you recover, even though it will be unpleasant at first.

Medication for vestibular neuronitis

Your GP may prescribe medication for severe symptoms, such as:

  • a benzodiazepine which reduces activity inside your central nervous system, making your brain less likely to be affected by the abnormal signals coming from your vestibular system
  • an antiemetic which can help with symptoms of nausea and vomiting
  • antibiotics if your vestibular neuronitis is thought to be caused by a bacterial infection

Check the patient information leaflet that comes with your medication for a full list of possible side effects.

Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 21 Dez 2018