People are often concerned about being exposed to radiation during an X-ray. However,the part of your body being examined will only be exposed to a low level of radiationfor a fraction of a second.
Generally, the amount of radiation you're exposed to during an X-ray is the equivalent to between a fewdays and a few years of exposure to natural radiation from the environment.
Being exposed to X-rays does carry a risk ofcausing cancer many years or decades later,but this risk is thought to be verysmall.
For example,an X-ray of your chest, limbs or teeth is equivalenttoa few days' worth of background radiation, and has less than a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of causing cancer. For more information,see GOV.UK: patient dose information .
The benefits and risks of having an X-ray will be weighed up before it's recommended. Talk to your doctor or radiographer about the potential risks beforehand, if you have any concerns.
Read about how X-rays work, why they're used, what happens before, during and after an X-ray, and what the risks are.
X-rays are a type of Radiation that can pass throughthe body. They can't be seen by the naked eye and you can't feel them. Asthey pass throughthe body, the energy from X-raysis absorbed at different
X-rays can be used to examine most areas of the body. They're mainly used to look at the bones and joints, although they're sometimes used to detect problems affecting soft tissue, such as internal or
You don't usually need to do anything special to prepare for an X-ray. You can eat and drink as normal beforehand and can continue taking your usual medications. However, you may need to stop taking
Duringan X-ray, you'll usually be asked to lie on a table or stand against a flat surfacesothat the part of your body being examinedcan be positioned in the right place. The X-ray machine, which look
You won't experience any after effects from a standard X-ray and will be able to go home shortly afterwards. You canreturn toyour normal activities straight away. You may have some temporary side eff
People are often concerned about being exposed to radiation during an X-ray. However,the part of your body being examined will only be exposed to a low level of radiationfor a fraction of a second. G