Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy providessupport to people whose health prevents them doing the activities that matter to them.
An occupational therapist can identify strengths and difficulties you may have in everyday life, such as dressing or getting to the shops, and will help you work out practical solutions.
They can work with you to identify goals that can help you maintain, regain, or improve your independence by using different techniques, changing your environment, and using new equipment.
Occupational therapy is used when someone is having difficulty with everyday tasks. This could be because they have a:
Occupational therapists work with people of all ages and can look at all aspects of daily life, from the home to the school or workplace.
Grab rails could be fitted in the bathroom to make this easier.
Someone with Rheumatoid arthritis a condition that causes pain and swelling in the jointsmay find it hard to lift small objects. Special equipment, such as a wide-handled vegetable peeler, may be made available to make tasks easier.
This can include both work and leisure activities.
You can also go through your local clinical commissioning group (CCG) or local authority social services department.
If you do not want to go through the NHS or local authority, you can contact an occupational therapist directly.
The association, which includes the College of Occupational Therapists (COT) , haspublished several helpful patient information leaflets that explain how their work can help.
Occupational therapy provides support to people whose health prevents them doing the activities that matter to them.
Occupational therapy is used to treat a wide range of conditions.
Many different techniques and equipment can be used as part of occupational therapy, depending on the problems you are having.
Rehabilitation aims to improve your ability to carry out the everyday activities that have been affected by illness, injury or surgery.
You can get a referral for free occupational therapy through your GP surgery, local council or local clinical commissioning group, or you can go private.