When should I see a doctor if I have a cold?

You should seek medical advice if:

  • your child is under three months old and has a temperature of 38C (100.4F) or above, or is between three and six months old and has a temperature of 39C (102.2F) or above
  • their symptoms last more than three weeks
  • they seem to be getting worse rather than better
  • they have chest pain or are coughing up bloodstained phlegm this could be a sign of a bacterial chest infection that needs treatment with antibiotics
  • they're finding it difficult to breathe seek medical help immediately from your GP surgery or local hospital
  • they have, or seem to have, severe earache (babies with earache often rub their ears and seem irritable) as they could have an ear infection that may need antibiotic treatment
  • they have a persistent or severely sore throat they may have bacterial tonsillitis, which needs antibiotic treatment
  • they develop any other worrying symptoms
Content supplied by the NHS Website

Medically Reviewed by a doctor on 20 Feb 2018