Acholesteatoma is an uncommon abnormal collection of skin cellsinside your ear.
Left untreated,it can continue to grow and damage the delicate structures deep inside your ear, such as the tiny bones andorgans essential for hearing and balance.
A cholesteatoma can lead to:
In very rare cases, an infection canspread into the inner ear and brain, leading to a brain abscess or meningitis .
A cholesteatoma is an uncommon abnormal collection of skin cells inside your ear.
Usually only one ear is affected by a cholesteatoma. The two most common symptoms are: persistent, often smelly, discharge from the affected ear gradual loss ofhearingin the affected ear Some peo
Acholesteatoma can develop if part of the eardrum collapses because of problems equalising the pressure across it. This occurs when the Eustachian tube is not working properly.This is a thin tube tha
You should see your GP if you have problems with your hearing or persistent discharge from your ear. Your GP may diagnose or suspect a cholesteatomaafter examining your ear with an otoscope,an instru
To confirmthat you have acholesteatoma, an ENT surgeon will re-examine your ear and may carry out some hearing tests.You may also have a computerised tomography (CT) scan to see which parts of your ea
Youwill oftenneed to stay in hospitalat least overnight after the operation, and you should plan to take a week or two off work. Your surgeon can adviseyou aboutthis. Self care advice When you get h