"Tinned tuna could wreck your guts as it has up to 100 times more zinc than is safe," is the headline from The Sun.
"Research has shown eating broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussels sprouts to be particularly beneficial for the hearts of elderly women," The Guardian reports
"Eating pasta may help with weight loss," The Independent reports.
'People on the part-time “5:2” diet lose weight more quickly and are more healthy than those undertaking a consistent, traditional diet' The Daily Telegraph reports
'Researchers have found the eating habits of Victorian peasants were perhaps the best' is the misleading headline from the Mail Online
'An apple a day cannot offset the damage done by eating too much salt in items such as crisps, a study has found' the Daily Mirror reports
'Sipping acidic fruit teas can wear away teeth, says study' BBC News reports
“Increasingly trendy low-carbohydrate diets are no more effective than traditional low-fat diets,” reports The Daily Telegraph.
'Drinking milk or eating beef could cause rheumatoid arthritis' Mail Online reports