“If you struggle to get off to sleep at night, maybe you should try reclining in a hammock,” said the Daily Mail. The news is based on a small sleep study which found that lying on a slowly rocking bed...
“Eating five fruit and veg a day ‘won’t help you to beat cancer’,” reported the Daily Mail. The news story is based on a review of the effects of fruit and vegetables on the risk of a number of common cancers.
“Moisturisers can aggravate eczema,” reported The Independent. It said that a study has found that Aqueous cream BP, the most widely prescribed moisturiser for the treatment of dry skin conditions...
A radical overhaul of how nutritional information is displayed on the front of the packaging of many food products has been announced. The government, food makers and food retailers have agreed the new standardised front-of-pack labelling to...
"A new blood test can detect a concussion up to a week after a head injury," the Daily Mail reports. The test involved checking for biomarkers, which are substances created by a specific biological condition or state…
“E-cigarettes more effective than patches to help quit smoking, says study,” The Guardian reports. A UK study has found that people who use the aids are 60% more likely to quit than those who try nicotine replacement therapy
"Swapping butter and meat for olive oil and fish does cut the risk of heart disease," The Times reports. New research suggests that swapping just 15% of your daily calorie intake away from saturated fats could reduce heart disease risk by around 8%...