"Weighing children when they start school is already too late," reports the Mail Online. A study on childhood obesity suggests children's weight and growth patterns should be measured before ...
'Is sitting REALLY the new smoking? Alarming new research claims 70,000 deaths a year are caused by our increasingly sedentary lives' reports the Mail Online
‘Children's ball pit play areas contain dozens of killer germs,’ reports the Mail Online. Ball pits, a popular form of play for children, are sometimes used ...
"Drinking piping hot tea or coffee could 'double your risk of developing tumours in the oesophagus'," reports the Mail Online. A study of more than 50,000 people in Iran showed that those who ...
"High-strength cannabis increases risk of mental health problems," reports The Guardian. Researchers have estimated that people who use high-strength cannabis daily are 5 times...
'A new study has revealed that people who drink sugary drinks like Coca-Cola everyday could be more at risk of dying young from heart disease and cancer' the Daily Mirror reports
"New fat-busting pill slashes heart attacks and strokes with no statin side-effects, researchers claim," reads The Sun's rather inaccurate headline. A study has looked into the safety of a new treatment to...
"Prostate cancer patients could be spared needless surgery thanks to NHS risk calculator," reports the Sun. UK researchers have developed a tool to estimate a man's chances of ...
Alzheimer's could be caught early with simple eye test, according to the Daily Telegraph on a study looking at scans of the blood vessels in the retina of people with the condition.