'Hot tea linked to deadly cancer in smokers and drinkers' The Daily Telegraph reports
The Mail Online reports “chemicals linked to breast and prostate cancer” are found in 86% of teenagers’ bodies'
'Adopting an unflappable self-confident swagger could be the best way to avoid a nasty nip' states The Daily Telegraph
'Drinking milk or eating beef could cause rheumatoid arthritis' Mail Online reports
"Vaping causes cancer, new study warns," is the alarming – yet incorrect – headline from the Mail Online.
'There are fresh calls for the government to fortify flour with folic acid in the UK to help protect babies from common birth defects' BBC News reports
"Rapid breaths 'protect early babies'," BBC News reports. One immediate concern when babies are born very premature is their breathing. As their lungs are so tiny many premature babies require breathing support provided by a ventilator…
"Women will be told more about the risk of breast screening", says the Mail Online, adding that "millions of women invited for breast cancer screening will be warned about problems with the tests for the first time"...
Children’s breakfast cereals are “so full of sugar they should be in the chocolate biscuit aisle of supermarkets,” the Daily Express has warned. Several newspapers have reported the findings of...