"Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy may be as good as pills at stopping people relapsing after recovering from major bouts of depression," The Guardian reports…
Bad news stories alter the way women respond to stress, BBC News has reported. The news is based on a small study that found that women who read "bad news" produced more of the stress hormone cortisol than women...
“Forget Viagra, the 'cuddle drug' could be the new way to boost performance in the bedroom,” according to the Daily Mail. Apparently, inhaling the “cuddle chemical” oxytocin can cause improvements in sexual problems “on a par with Viagra...
"Sliced white bread is 'just as healthy as brown', shock findings reveal," The Sun reports. A small study looking at the effects of eating different types of bread – white versus brown sourdough – found no significant differences…
"An egg a day appears to help young children grow taller," BBC News reports. Research involving young children in Ecuador found babies given one egg a day for six months had improved growth compared with…
"Scientists have hailed an historic 'turning point' in the search for a medicine that could beat Alzheimer's disease," is the exciting news in The Independent. This headline comes from an early study of the effects of a new drug on mice…
“Lack of sleep is a 'ticking time bomb',” The Independent reported. The newspaper said that people who regularly sleep less than six hours a night “have a 48 per cent greater chance of developing or dying from heart disease...
The food you eat can influence the sex of your baby, the Daily Mail claimed. “Eating a burger and chips can make your baby a boy", the newspaper said. The
"Even moderate drinking can damage the brain," The Guardian reports. A new study, involving brain scans and cognitive testing, suggests that moderate drinking, over many years, could damage areas of the brain linked to memory…