Medical Conditions

I have in total 1030 medical conditions

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Some Random Medical Conditions

Polymorphic light eruption

Polymorphic light eruption is a fairly common skin rashtriggered by exposure to sunlight or artificial ultraviolet (UV) light.

Knee surgery, anterior cruciate ligament

If you tear theanterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in your knee, you may need to have reconstructive surgery.

Bone marrow donation

A bone marrow donation is a relatively straightforward medical procedure. Diseased or damaged bone marrow can be replaced by donated bone marrow cells, which help treat and often cure many life-threatening conditions.

Mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are painful sores that appear in the mouth. Although they're uncomfortable, theyre usually harmless and most clear up by themselves within a week or two.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Motor neurone disease is a rare condition that progressively damages parts of the nervous system. This leads to muscle weakness, often with visible wasting.

Peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathydevelops when nerves in the body's extremities such asthe hands, feetand arms are damaged. The symptoms depend onwhich nerves are affected.


A cold is a mild viral infection of the nose, throat, sinuses and upper airways. It's very common and usually clears up on its own within a week or two.


A cystoscopy is a medical procedure used to examine the inside of the bladder using an instrument called a cystoscope.

Bowel polyps

Bowel polyps are small growths on the inner lining of the colon (large bowel) or rectum.They are common, affecting 15-20% of the UK population, anddon't usually cause symptoms.

Work related upper limb disorder (WRULD)

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is a general term used to describe the pain felt in muscles, nerves and tendons caused by repetitive movement and overuse.


Antidepressants are a type of medication used to treat clinical depression or prevent it recurring.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a common yet poorly understood condition, in which the balance of bacteria inside the vagina becomes disrupted.

Coughing up blood

Coughing up blood can be alarming, but isn't usuallya sign of a serious problem if you're young and otherwise healthy . It's more a cause for concern in older people, particularly those who smoke .

Swollen ankles

Oedema is abuild up of fluid in the body which causes the affected tissue to become swollen .


A hysteroscopy is a procedure used to examine the inside of the womb (uterus).

Shoulder pain

Shoulder pain is a common problem witha number ofdifferent causes. It's often a symptom of another problem.

Trisomy 13

Patau's syndrome is a rare, serious genetic disorder caused by having an additional copy of chromosome 13 in some or all of the body's cells. It's also called trisomy 13.