3 medical conditions for FLU

187 articles for FLU

Introduction Tick-borne encephalitis

Tick-borne encephalitis

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a viral infection spread to humans by the bite of asmall spider-likeparasitecalled a tick. It's a rare infection that's only acquired abroad in certain European and Asian countries (see 'Risk areas' below). Initial symptoms of TBE are similar to Bird flu and can include: a high temperature (fever) a

Signs and symptoms White blood cell deficiencies

White blood cell deficiencies

Most people with agranulocytosis or neutropenia will not have any obvious symptoms. However, these conditions may mean you are more vulnerable to picking up infections because you don't have enough white blood cells to fight germs effectively. Symptoms associated with an infection can include: a high temperature (fever) chills and shivering

Symptoms Dengue


Symptoms of dengue Symptoms of dengue usually develop suddenly 4 to 10 days after becoming infected. Symptoms can include: a high temperature (fever), which can reach 40C (104F) or higher severe headaches pain behind the eyes muscle and joint pain feeling or being sick a widespread red rash loss of appetite The symptoms normally pass in

Why it happens Epiglottitis


Epiglottitis is usually caused by an infection withHaemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) bacteria. As well as epiglottitis, Hib can cause a number of serious infections, such as pneumonia and meningitis . It spreads in the same way as the cold or flu virus; the bacteria areinthe tiny droplets of saliva and mucus propelled into the air when

Introduction Legionnaires' disease

Legionnaires' disease

Legionnaires disease is a serious lung infection caused by Legionella bacteria. Initial symptomsusuallyinclude flu-like symptoms , such as: mild headaches muscle pain high temperature (fever), usually 38C (100.4F) or above chills tiredness changes to your mental state, such as confusion Once bacteria begin to infect your lungs, you may

Introduction Q fever

Q fever

Q fever is a bacterial infection that can be spread to humans by infected animals mostcommonly by sheep, cattle and goats. The infection is found worldwide, but cases in humans are rare in the UK. Around 50 cases of Q fever are reported in the UK each year. Most people with Q fever will either have no symptoms, or will only have mild flu-like

When to get medical advice Reye's syndrome

Reye's syndrome

As Reye's syndrome can be fatal, it's vital that you get medical advice if you think your child may have it. Dial 999 to ask for an ambulance, or go straight to your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department if your child: loses consciousness hasa fitor convulsions (violent, irregular limb movements) You should contact your

Introduction Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a rare but serious disorder that affects the skin, mucous membrane, genitals and eyes. The mucous membrane is the soft layer of tissue that lines the digestive system from the mouth to the anus, as well as the genital tract (reproductive organs) and eyeballs. Stevens-Johnson syndrome is usually caused by an

Diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome Myalgic encephalomyelitis

Myalgic encephalomyelitis

There's no test for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), but there are clear guidelines to help doctors diagnose thecondition. It can take a long time for CFS to be diagnosed, as other conditions that cause similar symptoms need to be ruled out first. You may be given some advice about managing your symptoms before a diagnosis is confirmed. See

Symptoms of a cold Cold


The symptoms of a cold usually develop within a few days of becoming infected. The main symptoms include: a strep throat a blocked or runny nose sneezing a cough a hoarse voice generally feeling unwell Less common symptoms of a cold include: a high temperature (fever) this is usually about 37-39C (98.6-102.2F) a  headache ear ache,

176 health news for FLU

New research claims that “more than half of children taking Tamiflu to combat swine flu suffer side effects such as nausea, insomnia and nightmares,” said The Daily

Tamiflu side effects in children

New research claims that “more than half of children taking Tamiflu to combat swine flu suffer side effects such as nausea, insomnia and nightmares,” said The Daily

“The conventional flu jab could be replaced by a skin patch,” says The Guardian. The patch, which is coated in microscopic dissolving spikes, is designed to deliver the flu vaccine into the skin without the need for a syringe. The news...

Vaccine patch could replace jabs

“The conventional flu jab could be replaced by a skin patch,” says The Guardian. The patch, which is coated in microscopic dissolving spikes, is designed to deliver the flu vaccine into the skin without the need for a syringe. The news...

'Airport security trays carry more viruses than toilet surfaces' reports The Guardian.

'Half of airport security trays' have traces of cold or flu viruses

'Airport security trays carry more viruses than toilet surfaces' reports The Guardian.

Research has shown that antiviral medicine like tamiflu should be given to pregnant women as soon as they contract the swine flu virus...

Swine flu drugs for the pregnant

Research has shown that antiviral medicine like tamiflu should be given to pregnant women as soon as they contract the swine flu virus...

An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association has questioned whether the prevailing belief that the current pandemic flu will return in a more dangerous

Pandemic waves

An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association has questioned whether the prevailing belief that the current pandemic flu will return in a more dangerous

“A single flu jab that kills off any strain of the virus for decades will soon be a reality,” reported the Daily Express. The news story is based on early research in animals...

Hunt for universal flu vaccine

“A single flu jab that kills off any strain of the virus for decades will soon be a reality,” reported the Daily Express. The news story is based on early research in animals...

News article about how simple measures such as hand washing and wearing a face mask could prevent the spread of flu

Flu prevention may be 'simple'

News article about how simple measures such as hand washing and wearing a face mask could prevent the spread of flu

Research describing the characteristics of 574 swine-flu related deaths up to July 16 2009 has been published online. The general themes from this research have

Epidemiology of swine flu deaths

Research describing the characteristics of 574 swine-flu related deaths up to July 16 2009 has been published online. The general themes from this research have

“Bird flu 'could mutate to cause deadly human pandemic',” BBC News has reported. The BBC says that Dutch researchers have identified mutations that could allow the H5N1 virus to spread rapidly in humans. The tone of the headlines is somewhat alarmist...

H5N1 avian flu virus 'could spread in people'

“Bird flu 'could mutate to cause deadly human pandemic',” BBC News has reported. The BBC says that Dutch researchers have identified mutations that could allow the H5N1 virus to spread rapidly in humans. The tone of the headlines is somewhat alarmist...

"Man flu really does exist," reports the Mail Online in a massive leap from the results of a small study that didn't look at flu at all. The study actually looked at why women are more likely to have autoimmune conditions such as lupus…

Claims that man flu 'really exists' are unsupported

"Man flu really does exist," reports the Mail Online in a massive leap from the results of a small study that didn't look at flu at all. The study actually looked at why women are more likely to have autoimmune conditions such as lupus…