3 medical conditions for FLU

187 articles for FLU

Causes Guillain-Barré syndrome

Guillain-Barré syndrome

Guillain-Barr syndrome is thought to be caused by a problem with the immune system, the body's natural defence against illness and infection. Normally the immune system attacks any germs that get into the body. But in people withGuillain-Barr syndrome, something goes wrong and it mistakenly attacks the nerves. This damages the nerves andstops

Introduction Chest infection, adult

Chest infection, adult

Chest infections are common, especially after a Cold or flu during autumn and winter. Although most are mild and get better on their own, some can be serious or even life-threatening.

Introduction Seasonal flu

Seasonal flu

Flu is a common infectious viral illness spread by coughs and sneezes. It can be very unpleasant, but you'll usually begin to feel better within about a week. You can catch flu short for influenza all year round, but it's especially common in winter, which is why it's also known as "seasonal flu". It's not the same as the cold. Flu is caused by a

"Swine flu" now Tamiflu


The A/H1N1pdm09 virus is now one of theseasonal fluviruses that circulate each winter. If you've had flu in the last few years, there's a chance it was caused by this virus.As many people now have some level of immunity to the A/H1N1pdm09 virus, it's much less of a concern than in 2009-10.The symptoms are the same as normal flu they're usually

Symptoms of Stevens-Johnson syndrome Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Skin pain is the most common symptom of Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Flu-like symptoms are also usually present during the initial stages, and may include: feeling generally unwell a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or above a headache joint pain a cough After a few days a rash appears, which may look like a target darker in the

Causes of vestibular neuronitis Vestibular neuronitis

Vestibular neuronitis

The vestibular nerve usually becomes inflamed because of a viral infection, which may have started with a sore throat , cold or flu . Vestibular neuronitis can also be caused by a bacterial infection, such as a middle ear infection or meningitis , although this is much less common. Bacteria can also get into your inner ear if you have a head

Causes of a sore throat Sore throat

Sore throat

The cause of a sore throat isn't always obvious. Butin most cases it's a symptom of a viral or bacterialinfection. Common causes A sore throatis often a symptom of: colds or flu you may also havea blocked or runny nose, a cough , a high temperature (fever), a headache and general aches laryngitis (inflammation of thevoice box)you may

Causes Narcolepsy


Manycases of narcolepsy are thought to be caused bya lack of the brain chemical hypocretin (also known as orexin), which regulates sleep. This deficiency is thought to result fromthe immune system mistakenly attacking parts of the brain that producehypocretin. However, a lack of hypocretin isn't the cause in all cases. Immune system problem

Introduction Brucellosis


Brucellosis is a bacterialinfection originating in animals that can cause long-lasting flu-like symptoms. It's rare in most developed countries. In mainland Britain, brucellosis has effectively been wiped out from cattle, goats, sheep and pigs through the vaccination of animals,the test and slaughter of infected herds and the pasteurisation of

Symptoms of toxoplasmosis Toxoplasmosis


In most cases, toxoplasmosis doesn't cause any symptoms and the person isn't aware they'reinfected. This is because the immune system isnormally strong enough to fight the infection and stop it causing serious illness. However, some people will develop flu-like symptoms. There's alsoa risk of more serious problems ifa woman becomes infected

176 health news for FLU

"How taking the pill could protect you from the flu," was the curious headline on a recent Mail Online article. The equally curious animal study involved female mice who had their ovaries surgically removed…

Contraceptive pills not proven to protect against the flu

"How taking the pill could protect you from the flu," was the curious headline on a recent Mail Online article. The equally curious animal study involved female mice who had their ovaries surgically removed…

A new strain of killer flu “could spread to Britain within 24 hours”, the Daily Express has today claimed. The Daily Mail also covered the story, reporting that research had found that people were infected with both seasonal flu and swine flu...

Warnings over 'new super-flu' unfounded

A new strain of killer flu “could spread to Britain within 24 hours”, the Daily Express has today claimed. The Daily Mail also covered the story, reporting that research had found that people were infected with both seasonal flu and swine flu...

The Daily Telegraph has reported that scientists are a “step closer” to a universal flu vaccine following the discovery of a “super antibody” in a patient’s blood. The news is based on a laboratory study...

'Universal flu vaccine' a step closer

The Daily Telegraph has reported that scientists are a “step closer” to a universal flu vaccine following the discovery of a “super antibody” in a patient’s blood. The news is based on a laboratory study...

“Swine flu could lead to a universal vaccine,” reported The Independent. It said that a study has found that people infected with H1N1 swine flu “have an extraordinary immune response, producing antibodies that...

Immune response to swine flu 'extraordinary'

“Swine flu could lead to a universal vaccine,” reported The Independent. It said that a study has found that people infected with H1N1 swine flu “have an extraordinary immune response, producing antibodies that...

"Scientists…believe that a nasal spray could be produced which boosts a protein so sufferers could sleep off the flu," The Daily Telegraph reports. As yet, the research has been confined to assessing the role of one protein in mice...

Could brain protein help people 'sleep off' the flu?

"Scientists…believe that a nasal spray could be produced which boosts a protein so sufferers could sleep off the flu," The Daily Telegraph reports. As yet, the research has been confined to assessing the role of one protein in mice...

"'Potent' new molecule in frog slime may give us new way to beat flu epidemics, say boffins," The Sun reports. Researchers looked at secretions from the skin of a south Indian frog called Hydrophylax bahuvistara…

Frog slime could protect us against future flu epidemic

"'Potent' new molecule in frog slime may give us new way to beat flu epidemics, say boffins," The Sun reports. Researchers looked at secretions from the skin of a south Indian frog called Hydrophylax bahuvistara…

"Wonder cure for killer flu," is the headline on the front page of the Daily Express. What the headline fails to tell you is that the "cure" – bacteria found in suguki, a type of pickled turnip – has only been tested in mice…

Probiotic pickled turnip touted as ‘flu wonder cure’

"Wonder cure for killer flu," is the headline on the front page of the Daily Express. What the headline fails to tell you is that the "cure" – bacteria found in suguki, a type of pickled turnip – has only been tested in mice…

"Universal flu vaccine comes closer, scientists says," BBC News reports after two independent teams of researchers each found ways to target multiple strains of the influenza virus – but, as yet, the research has only involved animals...

Researchers 'a step closer' to universal flu vaccine

"Universal flu vaccine comes closer, scientists says," BBC News reports after two independent teams of researchers each found ways to target multiple strains of the influenza virus – but, as yet, the research has only involved animals...

'Flu can be spread long before symptoms appear' says Daily Mail, raising fears that containing any future pandemic may be more difficult than previously thought. Researchers studying the spread of flu in ferrets called for more people to be vaccinated…

Flu can spread before symptoms show

'Flu can be spread long before symptoms appear' says Daily Mail, raising fears that containing any future pandemic may be more difficult than previously thought. Researchers studying the spread of flu in ferrets called for more people to be vaccinated…

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine describes early tests of a swine flu vaccine in Australia.

First results from vaccine trial

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine describes early tests of a swine flu vaccine in Australia.