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Introduction Osteoporosis


Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break.It develops slowly over several years andis often only diagnosed when a minorfall or sudden impact causes a bone fracture. The most common injuriesin people with osteoporosis are: Broken Wrist hip fractures fractures of the spinal bones

Patient story: "Talking to other people helps me deal with my pain." Osteoporosis


Bob Rees was diagnosed with osteoporosis after collapsing in pain on a family holiday. "I was 43 when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I was on a family holiday in the Dominican Republic in June 2002 when I collapsed in agony. In March 2003, nine months later and after extensive tests, I was diagnosed with severe spinal osteoporosis. "I

Protecting your teeth during sports Broken or knocked out tooth

Broken or knocked out tooth

If you play a sport, such as rugby or hockey, where there's a risk of being hit in the mouth, you may want to consider getting a mouthguard made by a dentist to protect your teeth. This involves taking a mould of your teeth, which will be used to make the mouthguard this will fit well and protect your mouth. "Boil and bite" mouthguards, where

Causes of bronchiectasis Bronchiectasis


Bronchiectasis is caused by the airways of the lungs becoming damaged and widened. This can be due to an infection or another condition. Sometimes, the cause is not known. Your lungs are continually exposed to germs, soyour body has sophisticated defence mechanisms designed to keep the lungs free of infection. Ifa foreign substance (such as

Symptoms of a broken toe Broken Toe

Broken Toe

A broken toe will usually be: extremely painful and tender swollen red or bruised difficult to walk on If the break is severe, the toe may stick out at an angleor the bone may poke through the skin. It can be difficult to tell if a toe is broken or just badly hurt. Don't worry if you're not sure, as the treatment is usually the same for

How to treat a broken toe at home Broken Toe

Broken Toe

Most broken toes can be treated at home. See below for advice about when to see your GP and when to go to hospital . The following tips can be used to care for a broken toe: Put a piece of cotton wool or gauze betweenthe injured toe and the one next to it, and tape them together with a plaster or surgical tape. Keep your foot raised(ideally

When to see your GP Broken Toe

Broken Toe

Check the toe every day and call your GP if: the pain gets worse or isn't relieved by ordinary painkillers your GP may be able to prescribe a stronger painkiller the swelling or discolouration doesn't improve after a few days you have a wound or broken skin near the injured toe, which will need cleaning to prevent infection you have a

Treatment for abadly broken toe Broken Toe

Broken Toe

If your toe is badly broken, youmay need: an X-ray of your foot to check if your toe is broken and how severe the break is a procedure to move anyout of placebones back into the right position a doctor can often do this with their hands (no cuts are needed) while your foot is numbed with local anaesthetic a procedure to drain blood from

How is it treated? Brugada syndrome

Brugada syndrome

The only proven effective treatment for Brugada syndrome is having an implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) fitted. An ICD is similar to a pacemaker. If the ICD senses your heart is beating at a potentially dangerous abnormal rate, it can deliver treatment, such as an electrical shock,to help return your heart to a normal rhythm and pumping

Causes of teeth grinding Teeth grinding

Teeth grinding

The causes of teeth grinding (bruxism) aren't always known, but it's usually linked to other factors, such as stress and anxiety or sleep problems. Stress and anxiety Teeth grinding can be associated with mental or psychological problems, such as stress and Generalised anxiety disorder . Studies have shown around70% of cases of sleep bruxism